About us

European Paganini Route

The guarantor network of the European Paganini Cultural Route, since 2023, is the International Association of the same name, which connects universities, public entities, and associations from 12 European countries, working for the valorization of the cultural and musical heritage referring to Niccolò Paganini and his time, dialogue and exchange among young people.

European Paganini Route is an opportunity to encourage young people to develop their skills and talents, drawing inspiration from Paganini’s creativity and innovative energy. In keeping with the European spirit, the EPR promotes cooperation across national borders through an international cultural and musical initiative.

Paganini was constantly in contact with other great composers and musicians of his time, both in Italy and abroad, and performed in major European theatres. He was a complete and unique European virtuoso, particularly as a violinist, whose fame is still very much alive today and a source of inspiration for young people. Numerous cultural and musical festivals are dedicated to him and he is mentioned in literary, artistic, and even wine and food circles, both in Italy and elsewhere.

Belonging to the European Paganini Route means:


  • to acquire an international dimension: to become part of a network of prestigious Paganini-themed initiatives capable of reaching a wide international audience
  • promote the European musical heritage and violin tradition, which historically have always had a clear European value;
  • to encourage the musical training of young people through collaboration between European conservatoires;
  • be protagonists of a territorial marketing process that can stimulate tourist flows and related economic development;
  • obtain privileged access to participation in European/international projects and the exchange of good practices.


Membership of the European Paganini Route implies in particular the following key obligations:

  1. to promote the values of democracy and cooperation between peoples as a basis for peaceful and civil coexistence
  2. guarantee active participation in the activities of the European Paganini Route Association (scientific, educational, intercultural dialogue, cultural tourism, local development) and payment of the annual fee established by the General Assembly of the Route
  3. ensure compliance with the criteria listed below:
  • Cooperation in terms of research and development
  • Promotion of memory, history, and heritage of Europe
  • Cultural and educational exchanges between young people
  • Actualization of Culture and the Arts
  • Cultural Tourism and development of Sustainable and Responsible Tourism practices


Download the application form from the menu at the side.


diritti e doveri


To become a member of EPR, it is essential to complete the application form. Subsequently, the application will be subject to verification by the International Scientific Committee, which will give its opinion on admission.

Download the membership form here


  1. Promoting the values of democracy and cooperation
  2. Cooperation in terms of research and development
  3. Promoting the memory, history, and heritage of Europe
  4. Cultural and educational exchanges between young people
  5. Updating Culture and the Arts
  6. Cultural Tourism and development of Sustainable and Responsible Tourism practices


  1. acquiring an international dimension
  2. being an actor in the promotion of Europe’s musical heritage
  3. the encouragement of musical training for young people through
  4. collaboration between European conservatoires
  5. being an actor in a territorial marketing process that can boost tourist flows and related economic development
  6. having privileged access to participation in European/international projects.


It is possible to receive a copy of the association’s statutes upon request to:office@europeanpaganiniroute.eu



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the guarantor network of the Cultural Route is the International EPR Association


Young people

at the heart of the project

Niccolò Paganini

a European virtuoso
